Use case: Brussels Philharmonic Launches Its Own App
This new client is the first classical ‘ensemble’ to release a mobile application for both the concert visitors and their fans.
One of a kind, first in its kind.
Together with Brussels Philharmonic, the leading Belgian and international classic orchestra and ensemble, we launched their brand new app called “BXL phil”.
Being first in Belgium (and probably unique in its kind), this mobile application will enable a better experience for the attendees at their concerts and events and also aims to make the music more accessible to a wider audience. The initial assignment was to embed a ‘similar experience’ like how we approach large festivals like Tomorrowland and Rock Werchter. In the near future, they will use this new and fully-owned channel as to provide fans, attendees and enthusiasts with more, faster and contextual information turning their concert visits into real experiences.

Intensifying the music and visitor experience
Although their concerts are still without audience due to COVID-19, the organisation is looking forward to the moment that the venues and concert halls will be packed again with people and fans. They clearly understood that this was the perfect moment to accelerate their digital transformation and rethink the visitor experience before, during and after the actual events taking place.
For us, this was the perfect moment to further digitise our operations. Brussels Philharmonic has always been innovating in terms of music, the launch of our new app opens so many opportunities for us to bring our music closer and more accessible to our fans and listeners. We now literally can connect with a much wider audience, in a low-barrier and 100% free digital way. Our teams have been extending our digital offering by creating videos, playlists, podcasts on channels like Spotify and distributing them on our website and well-known social platforms.
Finally, all that information is coming together in just 1 place: right in the pocket of our fans. Once the doors of our venues reopen, our audience can find all information in the app on the supporting side-activities like intro shows and overtures, workshops and afterparties.
– Gunther Broucke, intendant Brussels Philharmonic

100% contextual, and even Livestreams when needed
During the current pandemic, the app ensures our audience will be informed – even in realtime – on all the changes in our concert calendar. Brussels Philharmonic also embeds their livestreams and broadcasts on Podium 19, a pop-up cultural TV channel.
For every concert from now on, we’ll be making practical info, clips, lyrics and biographies available. Anything you could normally read in the old-school ‘printed’ booklets, have now been upgraded to much more eco-friendly, mobile-first version.
Targeting a new generation
With this new app, the orchestra is aiming to reach a much wider audience, including younger generations of musical enthusiasts. In our latest series of podcasts called ‘bucket list’, we let the musicians themselves speak about the music and work they like most.
Even for the smallest there’s something included, by embedding DIY experiences, games and workshops they start the exploration of the magical world of classical music at the age of 8 and even younger.
Typical festival know-how now available for classical music and concerts
We are very proud to welcome more and more diversified clients to our portfolio. Together with Brussels Philharmonic, we are creating a whole new and augmented way of visiting concerts or operas.
During the play(ing), just like we know from Spotify, listeners or attendees will be receiving additional background information on the piece itself or the composer.
From a more practical point of view, whoever comes to the venues by car could be getting a personalised traffic update or receive a push notification when the car park is digested.
Creating this application was the perfect extension on our strategy to make our festival and event apps more valuable throughout the year. We couldn’t be more proud on establishing this long-term partnership with such an important name in the industry.
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