Appmiral resources

Get inspired by our clients and projects and see how we can elevate and further professionalize or digitize your event or festival.

Use case: Brussels Philharmonic Launches Its Own App

Use case: Brussels Philharmonic Launches Its Own App

This new client is the first classical 'ensemble' to release a mobile application for both the concert visitors and their fans.One of a kind, first in its kind.Together with Brussels Philharmonic, the leading Belgian and international classic orchestra and ensemble, we launched their brand new app...

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Seeing is believing, no?

We've created a demo application to showcase the full power of our solutions.

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sponsorship whitepaper

Download our free sponsorship whitepaper

Sponsors support the success of your event – so it only makes sense to give them some digital stage time in your festival app too. Check out our guide explaining more on these in-app sponsorships filled with interesting use cases of last festival seasons.

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Appmiral: 1′ explainer video

Appmiral: 1′ explainer video

We are 100% focused on helping you as a music festival organizer to drive visitor experience. Our solutions will enable your team to better serve...

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